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Scholarly Journals
- Have a serious appearance.
- The words "Journal," "Transactions," "Proceedings," or "Quarterly," may appear in the title.
- Written for professors, students or researchers.
- Signed by the authors.
- Articles are reviewed by a board of experts or "peer reviewers."
- Follow a format: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, possibly footnotes, endnotes and/or bibliography.
- May include tables, graphs or illustrations to support research.
- Very little advertising.
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Professional or Trade Journals
- May have a bright cover.
- Provide information of use to a particular industry.
- No specific format.
- Articles sometimes unsigned.
- General editors of the magazine review articles.
- Advertising is used to appeal to those in the field.
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Popular Magazines
- May have a bright cover with many glossy pictures.
- Designed to attract a broad segment of the population.
- No specific format.
- Articles sometimes unsigned.
- General editors of the magazine review articles.
- May include tables, graphs or illustrations.
- Lots of advertising.