Creating Information

Remember that research is not simply about reproducing information, but about creating something new. No one else shares your exact experiences, values, or perspective. Let your uniqueness shine through in the content you create.

Creating to Connect

Consider the collaborative, rapidly evolving nature of information creation, especially in online social environments.


Generating Ideas

While it may seem like a simple task, picking a topic is an important first step in the research process that deserves careful consideration. Here are some tips for generating ideas for an appropriate and engaging topic that you will actually want to work on.


How to Build Your Creative Confidence

As children, creativity tends to come more naturally. As adults, sparking our inherent creativity can take practice. If you are feeling stuck, watch this video to get your creative juices flowing.


Online Tools

There are a variety of tools available for sharing what you know about a topic. Consider incorporating an application from this curated list compiled by educator Kathy Schrock when creating your next presentation or engaging in a creative exercise if you are having trouble putting words on paper.


Open Media Lab

Open Media Lab, created by professors at SUNY Old Westbury, provides tutorials on capturing, collecting, distributing and editing multimedia content using a variety of freely available software. The Student Projects section features inspiring examples of impactful multimedia storytelling.


Tales of Creativity and Play

At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play -- with many examples you can try at home (and one that maybe you shouldn't).


Your Role as a Metaliterate Learner

Metaliteracy recognizes the roles we take on, in person and in online environments, as we consume, produce, and share information using a range of changing technologies. You may not think of yourself as an author or a publisher, but chances are you are already practicing these roles. Consider the various ways that you create and share information, in person and in online environments, as a Metaliterate Learner. 


Your Role as a Producer of Information

Consider your role and responsibilities as an information producer and learn how you can employ different learning domains when creating new information.
