UAlbany 175th Anniversary Logo

The University Archives contains the official records of UAlbany and its predecessor institutions, documenting a history that goes back to 1844! This includes a wealth of research materials, like administrative records, course catalogs, yearbooks, photographs, film, and a full run of the Albany Student Press. A growing selection of these materials is now online for everyone to explore.


Covers of 6 UAlbany Pedagague yearbooks.

Yearbook Collection

We are working to digitize our complete collection of UAlbany Yearbooks! You can now view the Pedagogue from "The War Years" (1914-1919, 1941-1954).

Online Yearbooks

Building a Campus

UAlbany's Uptown Campus is one of the largest poured-concrete structures in the world. Explore hundreds of images from almost a decade of construction.

Campus Construction Photos

A College for Teachers

From 1945 to 1962, all students had to sign a "Declaration of Teaching" pleaging to teach in New York public schools after graduation. This video features student attending orientation at the University at Albany in 1951, on the downtown campus.

Orientation Video from 1951

University Photograph Collection

Browse over 4,000 images from UAlbany's long history, such as this 1940 image from the Hawley Library. Do you know where you can view these murals today?

University Photograph Collection
Front page of a 1916 State College News. Front page of a 2019 Albany Student Press issue.

Over 100 years of Student Journalism

The Albany Student Press has a long history of independent journalism on campus. The paper's 100-year run is the most heavily used resource in the archives.

Search Student Newspapers

University on the Make, 1960-1970

During the 1960s UAlbany was transformed from a small teacher's college to a large public research university duing a time of increased political awareness and activism on campus. Learn more about UAlbany's decade of protest.

University on the Make Exhibit

A Tradition of Excellence

History Professor Kendall Birr published a history of UAlbany to celebrate the school's first 150 years. You can now read the entire history online!

A Tradition of Excellence