Due to continued indoor temperatures and humidity, the University Library and Science Library will remain closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Learn more about accessing materials and services while we are closed.

From October 19 to 25 the University Libraries are celebrating Open Access Week 2020, an international event aimed at making open access to research the new norm.

What is Open Access?

Open Access is the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results.

This year's theme, “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion," encourages us to examine the systems we use in our research, teaching, and learning, recognize the "legacies of historic injustice" in which we participate in our roles as content consumers and creators, and work to actively address these inequities.

As is the case with everything these days, Open Access Week will look a little different than it has in previous years. However, we are delighted to share the new Scholarly Communication and Data Services pages, which we anticipate will help University scholars navigate shifting publishing, intellectual property, and information policy landscapes in ways that promote research dissemination, accessibility, impact, and equity.

Sign up for the Author Rights workshop 

Closing out the week, we have an online event on author rights, on Friday, October 23, 10:00-11:00, which we encourage you to attend.

Click here to register

We will also be amplifying interesting events at other institutions throughout the week. Please find a sampling below:

Support the Libraries

If you already support the Libraries please accept our heartfelt appreciation. If you are not yet a supporter but are considering giving to the University Libraries, you might want to learn more on this website, consult our list of endowments, or go directly to the University's Way to Give website.

Give Online Now

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