The University Library and Science Library will be closed through Tuesday (July 16) because of unexpected facilities issues.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Code of Conduct

    Submitted by libwww on Tue, 10/26/2021 - 14:11

    The Code of Conduct, governing the use of the University Libraries, has been formulated to ensure fair access to resources and services, to provide facilities conducive to serious study and to protect the collections. Library users agree to abide by this code of conduct while using library facilities and resources. Library users who do not comply with the library code may be asked to leave the libraries, have their borrowing privileges revoked, and/or be referred to Community Standards.

  • Collection Development Policy

    Submitted by libwww on Wed, 10/21/2020 - 21:57

    The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to communicate the University Libraries’ priorities and principles for building its collections to the University at Albany community, and to provide guidance to those responsible for supporting the collections. 

    The University Libraries’ Collection Development Policy augments the University’s mission of academic excellence by creating and maintaining collections that support the current and future needs for learning, teaching, and research for the community of undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and staff. 

  • Creative Commons Licensing

    Submitted by libwww on Tue, 01/24/2023 - 20:33

    The University at Albany Libraries supports the research, teaching, learning, and public engagement missions of the University through our collections and services. Our website provides public access to a wide range of materials, including digitized text and image collections, archival finding aids, and instructional guides.

    Enabling open access to these collections and resources for the global community is part of the Libraries’ commitment to building more equitable access to knowledge.

  • Gifts in Kind Policy

    Submitted by libwww on Tue, 08/10/2021 - 20:43

    Donations of books and other types of information resources are considered to be “gifts in kind.” Such gifts are welcomed by the University Libraries as one means of developing the Libraries’ collections. Gifts in kind are accepted for the University Libraries by the Dean of University Libraries on behalf of the University at Albany Foundation. They are acknowledged in writing whenever the donor and his/her address are known.

  • Policies Governing Usage of Information Commons Workstations

    Submitted by libwww on Tue, 06/20/2023 - 21:06

    Public workstations in the Information Commons are provided to connect users to a wide array of subscription databases and resources licensed and linked to support scholarly and research activities at the University. Failure to observe workstation usage policies and University policies governing the use of services delivered over the Internet may result in the loss of privileges and a judicial referral.

  • Policy: Library Services For Persons With Disabilities

    Submitted by libwww on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 16:24

    The University Libraries provide facilities and services to individuals with permanent and temporary disabilities. The overall goal is to provide users with all-inclusive, fair and equitable access to services, resources and facilities. A guiding principle is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336), as amended by the ADA Amendments Act (Public Law 110- 325). In addition, the Libraries adhere to the guidelines provided by New York State ( and local laws, SUNY Libraries Accessibility Guidelines and the University at Albany Disability Resource Center’s reasonable accommodation policy.

  • Reference Services Policy

    Submitted by libwww on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 19:59

    The mission of Reference Services is to facilitate access to the University Libraries’ collections and services. Librarians assist patrons in finding information and in learning how to conduct research to find information on their own.

  • University at Albany Libraries User Data Policy

    Submitted by libwww on Fri, 11/10/2023 - 17:42

    The University at Albany Libraries gather, maintain, and use select patron data to better serve our valued students, faculty, staff, and other community members, and support our institutional mission and goals. Data management is a serious responsibility, and we strive to balance effective services with patron confidentiality and privacy.

    Our data collection practices and our associated policies regarding privacy and transparency are guided by the principles outlined in the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights. We strictly maintain compliance with FERPA and applicable New York State laws. Our efforts are consistent with the best practices of the University at Albany and the library profession.

  • University Libraries Preservation Policy

    Submitted by libwww on Thu, 08/12/2021 - 16:24

    The purpose of this policy is to define the University at Albany Libraries’ objectives and responsibility for the long-term preservation of its collections. The concept and practice of preventive care is a fundamental goal of this policy.