Due to continued indoor temperatures and humidity, the University Library and Science Library will remain closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Learn more about accessing materials and services while we are closed.

The University Libraries invite you to celebrate Open Education Week during March 7-11, 2022. Open Education is a critical strategy in removing barriers to student success, improving student retention, and can be shown as a benefit in recruiting prospective students to enroll in our programs. 

The Open Education Movement has taken root globally, and UAlbany is starting to make inroads towards lowering the barrier of high-cost course materials and providing students with first-day access to their course materials. Our goal is to raise awareness about Open Education and support instructors who wish to leverage the benefit of Open Educational Resources (OERs) for their course sections. 

We urge you to explore and participate in the following resources and activities in celebration of Open Education Week:  

Take an Online Workshop: The Libraries, in partnership with Educational Technology Services, are offering a four-week, self-paced course on Blackboard for instructors who wish to learn more about locating, evaluating, and using OERs in their instruction. The course runs March 7- April 3, 2022. Interested faculty may register in advance.

Browse SUNY-wide OER offerings: SUNY OER Services has several resources to offer faculty and instructors who wish to leverage the benefit of OERs in their teaching and learning strategies:  

  • Lumen Circles are free communities of practice for instructors to connect, share, and learn about the use of OERs from each other.  
  • OER Community Courses are free, self-paced modules that can help instructors understand the fundamentals of OER use and best practices.  
  • Explore SUNY OER Services’ Ready to Adopt Courses and consider adopting or adapting OER curricular content from colleagues around the SUNY system.
  • Check out the full OE Week schedule from SUNY.  

Follow Us on Social Media: Look for the #OEWeek hashtag on our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. Success stories from instructors using OERs on campus will be featured, along with posts about additional resources for instructors available through the Libraries. 

Through Open Education Week events, we hope you will become as enthusiastic about Open Educational Resources and the Open Education Movement as we are! Thank you for taking the time to pass this information on to your instructors. If you have any questions about the information in this email, please contact Elaine M. Lasda, Coordinator for Scholarly Communication, at elasda@albany.edu.

Elaine M. Lasda

Library Strategist

Support the Libraries

If you already support the Libraries please accept our heartfelt appreciation. If you are not yet a supporter but are considering giving to the University Libraries, you might want to learn more on this website, consult our list of endowments, or go directly to the University's Way to Give website.

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