Flynn, Kathleen H. “Citation Analysis of Mathematics and Statistics Dissertations and Theses from the University at Albany.” Science & Technology Libraries (2020).
Jacobson, Trudi E. and Sally Friedman. “Teaching Metaliteracy and Critical Thinking Through OER: Theory and Practice in a Course Collaboration.” International Journal of Open Educational Resources 2:1 (2019): 173-189.
Jacobson, Trudi E., Thomas P. Mackey, and Kelsey L. O’Brien. “Metaliteracy Module.” SUNY iSucceed (2020).
Lasda, Elaine M., Cary F. Gouldin, and Amanda M. Lowe. “Rethinking Facebook: An Exploration.” Marketing Libraries Journal 4:1 (2020): 81-106.
Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Beyond Banned Books: Defending Intellectual Freedom throughout Your Library, by Kristin Pekoll. Catholic Library World 90:2 (2019): 145.
Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Library Web Development: Beyond Tips and Tricks, by Jason Bengtson. Catholic Library World 90:2 (2019): 146.
Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of New Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know: A LITA Guide, by Kenneth Varnum. Journal of Electronic Resource Librarianship 31:4 (2019): 285.
Puzier, Lauren and Tyler Norton. “A Bitmoji Marketing Campaign to Connect Students with Subject Librarians.” Marketing Libraries Journal 4:1 (2020): 22-32.
Seaman, Priscilla and Sue Kaczor. “21st Century Anthropology Scholarship: A Citation Analysis.” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 36:3 (2020).
Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Design and Implementation of a Sustainable Information Literacy Program on Latin American, Caribbean and U.S. Latino Studies.” Presented for the Cuban Library Science Meeting, Havana, Cuba, February 2020.
Jacobson, Trudi E., Helaine Blumenthal, and Christos Noutsos. “Open Pedagogy with Wikipedia and Wiki Education.” Panel presentation for FACT2 Open Education Week webinar. Moderated by Helen Lane, March 2020.
Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. “Teaching Metaliteracy as a Vital Literacy for Today’s Digital World.” Online keynote address for New Jersey Teaching with Technology Showcase, April 2020.
Puzier, Lauren, Camille Chesley, and Amanda Lowe. “How Can Libraries Move Towards a More Inclusive Model of Reference? A Practical Approach to Serve Distance Students.” ACRL Distance Learning Section Instruction Group's 2nd Annual Virtual Poster Session, April 2020.