The University Libraries hosted the annual Employee Recognition Event on May 4, 2022. This year’s celebration featured a virtual ceremony, filled with awards and surprises, followed by an in-person lunch.
The lunch portion represented the first time a majority of faculty and staff gathered in a single location since the onset of the pandemic. Staff were treated to a variety of bento box-styled meal options. There were plenty of desserts to go around, too.

Introduction slide to the Recognition Event
As for the ceremony, in addition to the scheduled awards, several friends of the Libraries sent in recorded video messages of well wishes and appreciation for the staff. These included Provost Carol Kim, the New York State Writers Institute, Paul Miller, as well as UAlbany alumnus and author of Wicked, Gregory Maguire.
Award Winners

Ellen Abbott
Ellen Abbott
Outstanding Classified Staff Member
Ellen joined the Access Services team at the University Library in 2017. According to Kabel Stanwicks, Head of Access Services, Ellen “is one of the most productive clerical staff members we have ever had.” Examples of her initiatives include assisting with interlibrary loan, on search committees, and motivating colleagues and student employees.
Christian Amarelle
Student Service Excellence Award
Christian joined the student workforce in Fall 2020, an especially challenging period for student employees! According to Carlos Zamora, Assistant Head of Access Services, Christian has an impeccable attendance record, and he frequently offers to take extra shifts to provide coverage for unplanned absences.

Christian Amarelle
Ryan Clow and Gyuri Kang
Pritchard Award
Ryan and Gyuri introduced several new workshops in the Lower Level Lab, including Python Basics, Data Cleaning and Management Using Python, and a GIS project map tracing the character locations in Ireland in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Elaine Lasda, Coordinator for Scholarly Communication, described their work as “interesting and fun,” as well as “an example of a Digital Humanities project that is possible to execute using the Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Services and tools.”

Ryan Clow

Gyuri Kang
Kyle Keefe
Alice Hastings Murphy Scholarship
Kyle Keefe is an intern in the Preservation Department. The selection committee wrote: “Ms. Keefe is described by the Preservation Department Head as “one of the best, most committed student assistants we have ever had the pleasure of having in the Lab.” Not only did she quickly learn about preservation work, such as book repair, reformatting pamphlets, and updating database records, but she also offered helpful ideas for future improvements in preservation processes.”

Kyle Keefe

Jack Kenney
Jack Kenney
Alice Hastings Murphy Scholarship
Jack Kenney spent the 2021-2022 academic year in the Reference and Research Services department—while balancing a perfect 4.0 GPA. Consider the selection committee’s comments: “Mr. Kenney proves himself to be knowledgeable and reliable when carrying out reference duties. Additionally, Mr. Kenney greatly impressed colleagues with his flexibility and generosity. For example, this semester, Mr. Kenney volunteered to take two evening desk shifts per week. This affords librarians more time for research, service, and other professional responsibilities. He also volunteered to staff the Reference Desk on Sundays, which is an absolute gift to his colleagues.”
Carlos Zamora
Alice Hastings Murphy Scholarship
Carlos joined the Access Services department in February 2020. The selection committee raved of his commitment to excellence in customer service and student supervision: “When working with library patrons and his student assistants, Mr. Zamora communicates elegantly and displays his optimal professionalism to ensure excellent services and user experience. His open-door management style has made both his students and staff comfortable approaching him for help, advice, or any other kind of support. The knowledge and skills acquiring from the library science degree program will enable Mr. Zamora to realize his vision of academic librarianship, serve as a role model for our first-generation students, especially those with Latinx background, and have a more significant impact on the library profession.”

Carlos Zamora
Years-of-Service Honorees
Emily Mock
Chris Poehlmann
Nancy Poehlmann
15 Years
Ryan Gill
Meiling Jiao
Mark Wolfe
Lindsay Van Berkom
20 Years
Debbie Seeley
25 Years
Deborah Bernnard
Erich Hammer
30 Years
Sue Kaczor
35 Years
Jean Guyon
Wendy West