
Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: A Case Study in Inoculation Theory and Gamified One-Shot Library Instruction." Public Services Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2023, in press). /10.1080/15228959.2023.2252322

Chen, Yu-Hui, Carol Anne Germain, and Abebe Rorissa. "Web Usability Practice at ARL Academic Libraries." portal: Libraries and the Academy 23, no. 3 (2023): 537-570.

Flynn, Kathleen H. Review of Plan C, Educational Media Reviews Online, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H. Review of The Illusion of Abundance, Educational Media Reviews Online, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H. Review of Sisters of the Trees, Educational Media Reviews Online, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H. Review of Town Destroyer, Educational Media Reviews Online, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H. Review of Give and Take, Educational Media Reviews Online, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 2023.

Kilcer, Emily, Lovett, Julia, & Clemente, Mark. "Reflections on moving on and scaling up: Adapting past experience to emerging scholarly communication programs." In Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge, edited by Maria Bonn, Josh Block & Will Cross, ACRL, 2023. Open access edition available at

Courtney, Kyle K., & Kilcer, Emily. "Copyright First Responders: Decentralized expertise, cultural institutions, and risk." In Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge, edited by Maria Bonn, Josh Block & Will Cross, ACRL, 2023. Open access edition available at

Mugridge, Rebecca L. and Janetta Waterhouse. “IT Assessment in ARL Libraries,” Journal of Library Administration, 63:5 (2023): 652-661, DOI:10.1080/01930826.2023.2219603

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Managing Grey Literature: Technical Services Perspectives, edited by Michelle Leonard and Susan E. Thomas. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 35:2 (2023): 165-166, DOI: 10.1080/1941126X.2023.2197803.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of The Ultimate Privacy Field Guide: A Workbook of Best Practices, Erin Berman & Bonnie Tijerina, Catholic Library World 93:3 (2023): 203.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Winnie and Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage, by Jonny Steinberg, Library Journal 148:5 (2023): 94.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of The Modern Maverick: Why Writing Your Own Rules is Better for You, Your Business and the World, by Ed Haddon, Library Journal 148:6 (2023): 122.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of The Summit Mindset: Winning the Battle of You Versus You, by Scott Miller and James C. Moore, Library Journal 148:8 (2023): 96.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy, by Nathan Thrall, Library Journal 148:9 (2023): 96.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of The Night Parade: A Speculative Memoir, by Jami Nakamura Lin, Library Journal 148:10 (2023): 130-131.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Mud, blood, and ghosts: Populism, eugenics, and spiritualism in the American West, by Julie Carr, Library Journal (2023):…

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Rotten Evidence: Reading and Writing in an Eqyptian Prison, by Ahmed Naji, Library Journal (2023):…

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder in My Country, by Patricia Evangelista, Library Journal (2023):…

Mugridge, Rebecca L. Review of Rental Person Who Does Nothing: A Memoir, by Shoji Morimoto, Library Journal 148:12 (2023): 100.…


dams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamification and Misinformation.” Presentation at NYLA 2023 Conference, Saratoga Springs, November 3, 2023.

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamification and Role Play in Teaching Information Literacy.” Presentation at SUNY Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oswego, May 25, 2023.

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamified, One-Shot Information Literacy.” Poster session at ENYACRL Annual Conference, Oneonta, May 18, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “A Day in the Life of a Subject Librarian.” Simmons University. October 20, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Alejandra Bronfman. "Curating a Museum Exhibit Together: Latin American and Caribbean Artist and Artisan Books at UAlbany." Latin American Studies Association (LASA) conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 27, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, et al. "LACLI: Una iniciativa internacional colectiva de recursos gratuitos en línea con contenido completo de América Latina, el Caribe, latinos de EE.UU. y la Península Ibérica." SALALM Annual Meeting, Washington DC, June 7, 2023.

Boyle, Jodi, Maureen Cresci Callahan, Jenny Gotwals, and Elizabeth Novara. “Documenting the History of the Equal Rights Amendment at 100.” Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference Fall Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 20, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H., Elizabeth A. Brown, Amanda McCormick, and Clara Y. Tran. “The Use of Preprints in Doctorate Programs: A Citation Analysis Study of Trends in Chemistry and Physics Dissertations”. Presentation ACRL Science & Technology Section Research Forum, Virtual, June 2023.

Gregory Wiedeman and Amanda Greenwood, "Unsustainability and Retrenchment in American University Web Archives Programs" (International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) 2023, Hilversum, Netherlands, May 12, 2023).

Gregory Wiedeman, "Preserving Websites" (Capital District Library Council Webinar (remote), November 14, 2023).

Hackstadt, Angela & Abigail Adams. “Werewolves at the Door: Disinformation Mitigation Theory and Practice.” Presentation, University Libraries Expert Workshop, Online, September 27, 2023.

Ross, Gabriel. "Trans Rights to Read!: Assessing Transgender Subject Material Collections in SUNY Academic Libraries." Presentation at 2023 SUNY Oneonta PRISM Conference, Oneonta, NY, October 21, 2023.

Seaman, Priscilla and Kaori Otera Chen. “Building Bridges: Student Perceptions of Subject-Specific Library Resources.” Poster presented at the Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC) Annual Conference, Oneida, NY, October 2023.

Hatch, Carey, Tyler Norton, & Kabel Stanwicks. “Our Libraries, Our Future, Our Journey.” Presentation at NYLA 2023 Conference, Saratoga Springs, November 3, 2023.

Mugridge, Rebecca L. and Janetta Waterhouse. “Benchmarking IT Services in Academic Libraries.” Presentation at the New York Library Association Annual Conference, November 2, 2023, Saratoga Springs, NY.

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