Ann Gunning, Library Personnel Coordinator, retired on August 30, 2023. Ann spent 13 years in this role, having previously worked at Nylink. With a keen eye for detail, Ann oversaw recruitment and hiring, as well as shepherded numerous promotion and tenure cases. "I only got to work with Ann on a few occasions before she retired, but I always enjoyed collaborating with her because she was simultaneously affable and professional," said Dr. Glyne Griffith, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development. "Happy retirement, Ann!"

Ann Gunning

Rebecca Mugridge
Rebecca Mugridge, Distinguished Librarian, retired on December 29, 2023. Rebecca joined the University Libraries 11 years ago as Head of Technical Services and Library Systems. She was named Dean of University Libraries in 2015, a role she held through 2022. Rebecca continues to research and publish, and looks forward to volunteering, traveling, gardening, and spending time with her pets.
Karina Ricker, Senior Assistant Librarian and Government Information Librarian, retired on December 21, 2023. "It’s been a long 40-year odyssey that went very quickly!" said Karina. "I am lucky to have found a career that provided me with so much intellectual stimulation and introduced me to many impressive people."

Karina Ricker
The University Libraries also welcome two new staff members: Gabriel Cruz-Allen (Office Assistant 1) and Alyssa Stevens (Library Clerk 2), both in the Access Services department. Welcome Gabriel and Alyssa!