Submitted by libwww on Tue, 01/24/2023 - 20:33

The University at Albany Libraries supports the research, teaching, learning, and public engagement missions of the University through our collections and services. Our website provides public access to a wide range of materials, including digitized text and image collections, archival finding aids, and instructional guides.

Enabling open access to these collections and resources for the global community is part of the Libraries’ commitment to building more equitable access to knowledge.


An essential part of our mission is to make information and resources available for educational and scholarly purposes consistent with copyright law.

Works appearing on or accessible via the Libraries’ website may be protected by copyright and are made available for research and educational purposes. In general, the Libraries do not own the copyright for materials from our collections and cannot grant copyright permissions for these materials. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other information that accompanies collections or items. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of that information.

The user is responsible for making a final determination of the copyright status of a work. If copyright protection applies, then permission must be obtained from the copyright holder to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exceptions to the law. Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and do not require permission to use.

Please cite the University at Albany Libraries as the source of the material when using or reproducing materials from the Libraries’ collections.

Creative Commons Licensing

The University Libraries apply Creative Commons licenses to our content when possible. Our web pages provide access to a variety of materials, however, and copyright or licensing restrictions may vary.

Most work appearing on the Libraries’ website created by the Libraries’ faculty and staff as part of their employment where the University at Albany Libraries hold the copyright are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Unless otherwise indicated on the web page, you may assume that textual content written by Libraries staff was written as part of their employment and that the copyright is held by the University Libraries.

The CC BY-NC license does not apply to:

  • Works for which the Libraries do not own the copyright (or do not have permission to sublicense), such as,

    • materials from the Libraries’ collections,

    • traditional scholarly works by Libraries’ faculty (blogs and exhibit work may belong to this category, and may be explicitly excluded from the CC BY-NC license).

  • Works in the public domain (for more information about the public domain, please visit our Copyright LibGuide).

  • Photographs that contain easily identifiable images of faculty, staff, or students.

  • Proprietary software.

  • Trademarks and logos.

Content on pages without a CC BY-NC icon is not licensed under the CC BY-NC license.


To use materials from the Libraries’ website under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license, you must credit the University at Albany Libraries as the source of the material(s), include the CC BY-NC 4.0 license information, and indicate if changes were made to the material(s).

Please find the Creative Commons “Best practices for attribution” for more information about how to comply with the terms of the CC BY-NC license.

Contact Us

If you have questions or information about the copyright status of materials on the Libraries’ website, then please contact us and include a link to the relevant material for our reference. You may send your inquiry to Libraries’ Scholarly Communication Services at


Copyright information from The Ohio State University Library, used under CC BY, modified from original. “Harvard Library CC BY Copyright Policy Statement” from Harvard University, used under CC BY, modified from original.

Policy Last Updated