The University Library and Science Library will be closed through Tuesday (July 16) because of unexpected facilities issues.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Digital Scholarship Services

Digital Scholarship Services facilitates learning, teaching, research, and creation through digital means, and builds community around digital scholarship endeavors.

Upcoming Instruction and Events



We provide instruction and support for students and faculty in developing and creating digital scholarship. Some of our services include:

  • Advising on best practices for  production, development, and creation of digital projects

  • Support for formatting your thesis or dissertation 

  • Customized and general instruction on supported digital scholarship tools 

  • Podcast recording, editing, and distribution/publishing


We provide support for a variety of digital scholarship tools.

Lower Level Lab

Located in the basement of the University Library, the Lower Level Lab offers spaces, places, and workstations to explore, study, and create. The Lab is available for use during most library operating hours.

The Lab features:

  • Apple Workstations  14 iMac terminals running Mojave OS support digital image editing, web applications, audio and video editing, and more 

  • Microsoft Workstations 18 terminals running Windows 10 are loaded with tools for digital image editing, web applications, audio and video editing, and more 

  • Accessibility Workstation This workstation  runs Windows and offers specialized software to enable reading and writing through non-text based means, including:

    • Kurzweil 1000: converts print or electronic text to audio in a variety of voices
    • Dragon Naturally Speaking: speech recognition and  voice-to-text software
    • JAWS: screen reader with text to speech or braille outputs
  • Studio B47

    Use the Studio for rehearsing presentations and thesis defenses, recording interviews, and podcasting. 


Check out some recent digital scholarship projects created on campus.

Coming Soon