The University Library and Science Library will be closed through Tuesday (July 16) because of unexpected facilities issues.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Finding Jobs

No matter what job you are looking for, most employers would like their employees to be able to research effectively, think critically, work collaboratively, and report results accurately and succinctly. The curated resources here will help you understand what employers are looking for.

Day After Graduation Study

Employers expect new graduates to have certain information/research abilities. How do recent graduates fare? Learn about some key changes you can make to your information practices from college to meet employers’ expectations. This short video presents the major findings from Project Information Literacy’s study about college graduates solving information problems in the workplace. You can read the full report here.


Graduate Employability Lens of the Seven Pillars of Information Literacy

So what information literacy abilities are needed in the workplace? Take a look at this employability overlay on the Seven Pillars of Information Literacy. You can find what you will need to understand and what you will need to be able to do in these categories:

  • Identifying
  • Scope
  • Plan/Gather
  • Evaluate
  • Manage
  • Present

Top 4 "Soft Skills" Candidates Need Today

This short video lists four critical soft skills employers seek in new hires. Information literacy and the ability to do research fall squarely in the critical thinking and problem solving category.


Transferring Information Know-How

How do the information literacy abilities you gained in college move to the workplace? Read this blog post about key findings excerpted from the full report of a research study that found that information literacy is an implicit component of widely sought-after skills.
