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The University Libraries are pleased to announce the Spring 2022 lineup for Campus Conversations in Standish. This semester we welcome scholars in the field of History and Sociology. Events will take place virtually on Zoom webinars. Registration is required.

Please join us as we continue this celebrated tradition at the University Libraries! Students, faculty, and the entire campus community are welcome. 

Professor Samantha Friedman will present at Campus Conversations on April 28. 


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Professor Nadieszda Kizenko

Dr. Nadieszda Kizenko

Professor of History, Director of Religious Studies Program

Ukraine and Russia: Key Moments in a Long Relationship

Wednesday, February 23, 12:30 p.m, - 1:30 p.m.

Professor Kizenko joins the University Libraries for a presentation tracing the roots of the 2021-2022 Russo-Ukrainian crisis. A decorated scholar of Russian intellectual and cultural history, Professor Kizenko teaches courses on the history of Russia and the history of Eastern Europe. In 2015 she received the Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching. 

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Professor Samantha Friedman

Dr. Samantha Friedman

Associate Professor of Sociology

Disaster Preparedness among Older Adults in the U.S., 2017: An Assessment of the Correlates of Vulnerability.

Thursday, April 28, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Older Americans are vulnerable to the effects of severe climate events, experiencing higher rates of mortality and hospitalization than younger adults from these events. Research that examines disaster preparedness among older adults has primarily relied on data from 2010 and earlier, when billion-dollar disasters were less common than today. The main goal of this paper is to identify the nature of the preparedness of older adults today and examine the correlates of the variation in their preparedness. It is imperative that we identify subgroups of older Americans that may be least prepared so that steps may be taken to protect them from future severe climate events. 

Webinar registration link forthcoming. 

About the Series

In spring 2015 the University at Albany Libraries launched "Campus Conversations in Standish," a program designed to showcase faculty research and expertise and to connect members of the UAlbany community in an exchange of ideas and perspectives. It is often said that the library is the heart of a university, a metaphor first stated in 1873, it is believed, by Charles Eliot, President of Harvard. 

The University at Albany Libraries strongly believe in supporting the research and teaching needs of our faculty, staff, and students. But more than this, we would like to provide a forum for discussion of the exciting research and other activities in which our community members are engaged. To this end, we began the series to provide a venue for cross-campus conversations, with a particular emphasis on providing students with an opportunity to engage with faculty members from a wide range of disciplines.

About Campus Conversations

Learn more about the program and check out past speakers and their presentations.


Complete Campus Conversations archive

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