Due to continued indoor temperatures and humidity, the University Library and Science Library will remain closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Learn more about accessing materials and services while we are closed.

Welcome to the Spring 2021 Library Update!

I am very pleased to share the Spring 2021 Library Update with you. In this issue, you will read about the Libraries’ new Library Ambassador program, in which students volunteer to work with librarians and staff to promote library services to their peers. The Library Ambassador program was designed by Amanda Lowe, Outreach & Marketing Librarian, with the support of one of the Libraries’ two Anna Radkowski-Lee graduate assistants, Jillian Palmer. You can read Jillian’s report in this newsletter, along with a report by Amanda Greenwood, the Libraries’ other graduate assistant. Amanda worked with Greg Wiedeman, University Archivist, on a project to archive the University’s website.

You will also read about the great work that our librarians and staff are doing across the Libraries, including how Rebecca Nous, Discovery Services Librarian, helps ensure electronic access to many of the Libraries’ resources. We held the Libraries’ first online recognition event this year, catching up on two years of student and staff awards, since last year’s event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. And we say goodbye to the Libraries’ Director of Collections, Mary Van Ullen, who retired in March after 24 years of service. We will miss Mary along with the other faculty and staff who left us this past year. As you read about all of the Libraries’ accomplishments, please know that the support of our friends has been extremely helpful to maintain our services and collections over this challenging year. Your gifts have allowed us to support the students, faculty, and staff at UAlbany, and they are very much appreciated! Please write back and let us know what you think!

Support the Libraries

If you already support the Libraries please accept our heartfelt appreciation. If you are not yet a supporter but are considering giving to the University Libraries, you might want to learn more on this website, consult our list of endowments, or go directly to the University's Way to Give website.

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