Students, staff and the community members regularly contact University at Albany Libraries' Preservation Department to obtain information on preservation, conservation and book arts topics, including professional organizations, training opportunities, and sources for materials.
Two comprehensive online sources are The Book Arts Web, which offers tutorials, bibliographies, exhibitions, and study opportunities, and Conservation OnLine, which presents a full-text library of conservation information.
Additional pages offer details and contacts for specific topics.
As always, we welcome further inquiries, and are happy to discuss the information listed on these pages.

In Page Nav: Preservation Department
New York University (IFA)
"...a graduate program within New York University for the study of the technology and conservation of works of art and historic artifacts."
Queens University
"...Queen's University offers the only Master of Art Conservation program in Canada. Students specialize in the conservation of paintings, artifacts or paper objects or carry out research in conservation science."
Buffalo State College
"...the competitive three-year graduate program trains conservators of fine art and material cultural heritage."
University of Delaware/Winterthur
"...The University of Delaware Art Conservation Department offers preservation degrees at the undergraduate, Master's, and PhD levels. It also currently offers a pilot cooperative program in Library and Archives Conservation with Simmons College and the Library of Congress."
(See PCAN for list of individual conservators' blogs)
AIC Emerging Conservation Professionals Network
At the Bench (University of Virginia)
Indiana University-Bloomington
Library Preservation 2 (Kevin Driedger's Preservation Lectures Videography)
National Archives and Records Administration
Preservation Beat (University of Iowa)
PreservationNation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Preservation Underground (Duke University)
Printing and Printmaking
Wells College Book Arts Center
American Academy of Bookbinding
Wells College Book Arts Center
Regional Organization Publications
University at Albany Preservation Department
Department preservation procedures; workshop presentations (by request)
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Preservation leaflet series available online
New York State Library
Local disaster information; brief resource list
National Organization Publications
American Institute for Conservation
Collections care over wide range of materials; referrals; news and events
Institute for Museum and Library Services, Connecting to Collections
Library and museums' collections care; grant information
Library of Congress Preservation Directorate
Collections care; research publications; supply specifications
California Preservation Program
Education and assistance on collections' preservation for libraries, archives, historical societies, history museums and record repositories in California
Society of American Archivists
Lists of workshops, emergency planning resources; care for electronic records, books, paper, and audio-visual materials; exhibits, bibliographies, grant sources and job opportunities.
American Library Association JobList
Preservation/conservation jobs (using these search terms) in libraries
Archives Gig
Current positions in archives; includes preservation jobs
Art Conservation at the University of Delaware--Job Opportunities
Listings of current conservation job and internship opportunities
Book ArtsList
Discussion list for book artists; through Book Arts Web
Conservation Distlist
Discussion list for conservation professionals
Preservation Administrators Discussion List (through ALA Lists)
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Discussion List (through ALA Lists); offers Your Old Books (Detailed information on caring for books and assessing value)
Society of American Archivists Career Center
The Society of American Archivists listing of positions in archives; includes preservation jobs